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Tuesday 17 March 2015

Intelligent Automated Home Lighting System


Want to know why your monthly Electricity bills are "so high"? Take a closer look at the Lights or Fans, when a person inside the room leaves the room hastily, He or She unknowingly leaves the Lights switched on.

So, what next? The only way for this is Intelligent Automated Home Lighting System. In this system when a person enters the room the tube lights are switched on automatically. The light switches go off automatically when there is no body inside the room. The whole Intelligent Automated Home Lighting System is now at the tip of your motion. As one moves inside the room the bulb switches on and as one leaves the room it switches off.

Here we have used 8051 micro-controller along with two sensors. They are IR Sensors or LED light falling on the LDR to act together as sensors to detect the motion inside the room and microcontroller acts as a person counter and increments or decrements depending upon the number of people inside the room. If there is no body inside the room then the Bulbs, Tube lights Fans etc switch off automatically on the exit of the last person who was inside the room.


Block Diagram:


Circuit Component Description


Before explaining the working let's find out what are LDR Sensors:

·         When the light level is less intense, resistance of the LDR is high

·         But, when light shines onto the LDR, resistance falls


Block Diagram Explanation of each LDR working



Sensor Working

As properties are already stated

Case 1

When nobody interrupts the light falling on LDR:

The resistance of LDR is low and hence the base of the transistor does not get sufficient voltage to turn on the transistor and hence the collector voltage is almost equal to supply voltage that is 5V in this case.

Case 2 

When a person interrupts the light falling on LDR:

The resistance of LDR is high and hence transistor switches on and the collector voltage almost becomes equal to zero voltage.

These different collector voltages are picked by the microcontroller pins and decides whether the person is going into the room or out of the room.

LDR sensor is just used for experimental purpose in reality photo-transistor like the IR Sensors should be used because of good sensitivity.

Like this one:





org 0000h

ljmp main

org 0100h

main:mov p0,#00h    //make p0  as o/p port     BULB  IS CONNECTED HERE

mov p3,#0ffh       //make  p3  as i/p port        LDR  SENSORS ARE  CONNECTED HERE

mov p2,#00h      //make p2  as o/p port    FND  IS CONNECTED HERE

mov r0,#00h

mov p2,#0ffh


lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay


lcall delay //

lcall delay                        //  DELAY  TO CAPTURE  THAT  EVENT PROPERLY

lcall delay                            //

lcall delay                         //

lcall delay                         //

k2:jb p3.2,k2        //AFTER  LOW  OCCURRED  AT  SENSOR-1  THEN  CHECK  FOR  SENSOR-2  WHETHER  THE  PERSON  IS                               REALLY   ENTERING  THE  ROOM

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

inc r0

setb p0.0

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

sjmp fnd1         //DISPLAY    THE   INCREMENTED  VALUE  ON  FND

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay


lcall delay             //

lcall delay       //                           DELAY  TO     CAPTURE  THE  EVENT

lcall delay            //

lcall delay                     //

lcall delay               //

k1:jb p3.0,k1         //AFTER  LOW  OCCURRED  AT  SENSOR-2  THEN  CHECK  FOR  SENSOR-1  WHETHER  THE  PERSON  IS                           REALLY   EXITING  THE  ROOM.

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

dec r0

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

lcall delay

ljmp fnd2                          //DISPLAY  THE  DECREMENTED  COUNT


cjne r0,#00h,j1

clr p0.0

ljmp up

j1:ljmp up


cjne r0,#01h,a1

mov p2,#0f9h

ljmp up

a1:cjne r0,#02h,a2

mov p2,#0a4h 

ljmp up

a2:cjne r0,#03h,a3

mov p2,#0b0h

ljmp up

a3:cjne r0,#04h,a4

mov p2,#19h 

ljmp up

a4:cjne r0,#05h,a5

mov p2,#92h

ljmp up

a5:cjne r0,#06h,a6

mov p2,#82h 

ljmp up

a6:cjne r0,#07h,a7

mov p2,#0f8h

ljmp up

a7:cjne r0,#08h,a8

mov p2,#00h 

ljmp up

a8:cjne r0,#09h,a9

mov p2,#10h 

a9:ljmp up



cjne r0,#00h,ac1

mov p2,#0ffh

ljmp c2

ac1:cjne r0,#01h,b1

mov p2,#0f9h

ljmp c2 

b1:cjne r0,#02h,b2

mov p2,#0a4h 

ljmp c2

b2:cjne r0,#03h,b3

mov p2,#0b0h

ljmp c2

b3:cjne r0,#04h,b4

mov p2,#19h 

ljmp c2

b4:cjne r0,#05h,b5

mov p2,#92h

ljmp c2

b5:cjne r0,#06h,b6

mov p2,#82h 

ljmp c2

b6:cjne r0,#07h,b7

mov p2,#0f8h

ljmp c2

b7:cjne r0,#08h,b8

mov p2,#00h 

ljmp c2

b8:cjne r0,#09h,b9

mov p2,#10h

ljmp c2 

b9:ljmp c2

delay:mov r2,#128

up1:mov r1,#0ffh

here:djnz r1,here

djnz r2,up1




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